
Privacy Policy: Mgroup Dynamic Price

Mgroup Dynamic Price application allows dynamic adjustments of product prices based on customer tags. Easily adjust prices or create custom pricing logic to optimize profitability. Certain features are available exclusively on Shopify Plus.

Upon installing the App, we can automatically retrieve specific categories of data from your Shopify account, including:

Theme API: to modify the appearance and design of your online store
Shop APIs: to access general settings and details related to your store.

Cart Transform APIs: to dynamic change product price.

Product Discount APIs: to dynamic create discounts on the store.

Customer APIs: to assign discounts to specific customer based on the customer tag.

Mgroup Dynamic Price application does not store or process personal data of customers.

Your Rights

If you are a resident of Europe, you possess the right to access the personal information we hold about you and request for any inaccuracies, incompleteness or outdated information to be rectified, updated or deleted. To exercise this right, please get in touch with us using the contact details provided below.

Furthermore, if you are a European resident, kindly note that we process your information to fulfill our contractual obligations to you (for instance, when you make a purchase through the App) and to pursue our legitimate business interests as stated earlier. Additionally, please note that your information may be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.

Data Retention

When you place an order through the App, we will keep your Order Information in our records until you request us to delete this information.


We reserve the right to make changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason at our discretion. We will notify you of any changes by updating the "Last updated" date of this Privacy Policy, and you waive the right to receive specific notice of each alteration. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this Privacy Policy to stay informed of any updates. Your continued use of the App after the date such revised Privacy Policy is posted signifies your acceptance of the changes.

Contact Us

For more details about our privacy practices, if you have inquiries, or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact us via email at the address provided below [email protected].